[VOTE] Ratis Thirdparty 0.2.0 rc0
Josh Elser
2018-12-03 20:48:05 UTC

Please find the following PPMC VOTE information which just passed.

Note that the delta over the 0.1.0 is extremely small, should be a
super-trivial vote.

VOTE (original text below the fold):


This will be open for (at least) the customary 72hours -- 2018/12/06
2100 GMT.

Please note the two IPMC binding votes already from myself and Jitendra.

- Josh

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [VOTE] Ratis Thirdparty 0.2.0 rc0
Date: Fri, 30 Nov 2018 15:33:19 -0500
From: Josh Elser <***@apache.org>
To: ***@ratis.incubator.apache.org


Please on the following as Ratis Thirdparty 0.2.0:

The release artifact (in source form only) is found at:


SHA512 checksum is:

D9D87B40 170A3DF6 07538DC5 E6BDF6D3 D93CE7EA DDCC9C7F A077EB99 664C704D
412E54DC 6C402A3A 67C9B5EF 959272FE 953D8189 68613802 BABF3C6A 621887CA

The signature (and all files) can be found here:

The SHA1 for the corresponding commit in Git is:

There is only one change in 0.2.0 (over 0.1.0) is including the Netty
native libraries. Thus, there is no other functional change over the
0.1.0 release.

For testing with downstream components, you may use the Maven staging

Here's my +1 (binding)

This will be open for at least 72 hours (2018/12/03 2000 GMT).

- Josh

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Mohammad Asif Siddiqui
2018-12-04 05:13:40 UTC
+1 (non-binding)

Checks Done:
- incubating in name
- hashes and signatures are good
- ran RAT tool
- checked for archive matching git tag

Suggestions :
- It's better to give a link for the git tag from which the release is made for easy verification by IPMC members.
- In my opinion it's good to maintain the Release Notes for a even a small change for each Release.

Post by Josh Elser
Please find the following PPMC VOTE information which just passed.
Note that the delta over the 0.1.0 is extremely small, should be a
super-trivial vote.
This will be open for (at least) the customary 72hours -- 2018/12/06
2100 GMT.
Please note the two IPMC binding votes already from myself and Jitendra.
- Josh
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [VOTE] Ratis Thirdparty 0.2.0 rc0
Date: Fri, 30 Nov 2018 15:33:19 -0500
D9D87B40 170A3DF6 07538DC5 E6BDF6D3 D93CE7EA DDCC9C7F A077EB99 664C704D
412E54DC 6C402A3A 67C9B5EF 959272FE 953D8189 68613802 BABF3C6A 621887CA
There is only one change in 0.2.0 (over 0.1.0) is including the Netty
native libraries. Thus, there is no other functional change over the
0.1.0 release.
For testing with downstream components, you may use the Maven staging
Here's my +1 (binding)
This will be open for at least 72 hours (2018/12/03 2000 GMT).
- Josh
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For additional commands, e-mail: general-***@incubator.apache.org
Justin Mclean
2018-12-04 07:14:47 UTC

+1 binding but there probably an issue you’ll need to look into before ether net release.

I checked:
- incubating in name
- signatures and hashes good
- LICENSE and NOTICE correct
- All ASF files have ASF header
- No binary files
- Can compile from source

The LICENSE and NOTICE additions in ratis-thirdparty-0.2.0-incubating/misc/src/main/appended-resources/META-INF/ do not look correct to me, as it seem it would be missing LICENSE information (i.e. the software mentioned in NOTICE) and you have items in NOTICE that are not correct, in general it’s only the copyright lines from other included ALv2 software NOTICE files or relocated copyright files that go in NOTICE.

You may want to remove the .mds file [1]


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Josh Elser
2018-12-04 16:29:53 UTC
Thanks for the quick vote, Justin!
Post by Justin Mclean
+1 binding but there probably an issue you’ll need to look into before ether net release.
- incubating in name
- signatures and hashes good
- LICENSE and NOTICE correct
- All ASF files have ASF header
- No binary files
- Can compile from source
The LICENSE and NOTICE additions in ratis-thirdparty-0.2.0-incubating/misc/src/main/appended-resources/META-INF/ do not look correct to me, as it seem it would be missing LICENSE information (i.e. the software mentioned in NOTICE) and you have items in NOTICE that are not correct, in general it’s only the copyright lines from other included ALv2 software NOTICE files or relocated copyright files that go in NOTICE.
Are we looking at different things, Justin? The NOTICE file in the
directory you mention only has copyright information for bundled
software (and text to help us know to what product that copyright
statement applies). Are you expecting a more verbatim inclusion of the
full NOTICE content and not the relevant "spirit"?

For LICENSE, gRPC is ALv2 (no mention required), protobuf-java is
3-clause BSD (which is included), netty is ALv2 (no mention required),
and gson is also ALv2. What do you see that's missing?
Post by Justin Mclean
You may want to remove the .mds file [1]
What's your read on this? Remove them because of little/no value over
sha xsum files (which are required by ASF policy)?

I fixed the sha xsum naming over the previous release, but didn't take
the time to remove the .mds since it wasn't _against_ policy to remove it.
Post by Justin Mclean
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Justin Mclean
2018-12-04 20:48:52 UTC
Are we looking at different things, Justin? The NOTICE file in the directory you mention only has copyright information for bundled software (and text to help us know to what product that copyright statement applies).
That is not the purpose of NOTICE.
Are you expecting a more verbatim inclusion of the full NOTICE content and not the relevant "spirit”?
See [1]
For LICENSE, gRPC is ALv2 (no mention required), protobuf-java is 3-clause BSD (which is included), netty is ALv2 (no mention required), and gson is also ALv2. What do you see that's missing?
It’s not required but recommend that all licenses be listed in LICENSE. [2]


1. http://www.apache.org/dev/licensing-howto.html#mod-notice
2. http://www.apache.org/dev/licensing-howto.html#alv2-dep
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Josh Elser
2018-12-07 00:14:52 UTC
I guess I just need to accept that I'll never have a firm grasp on L&N
construction. I'm still a bit befuddled. Thanks for taking the time to
explain, Justin.

I would have confidently thought that bundled software's copyright
statements always had a place in NOTICE. Also, a surprise to me that we
want all licenses in LICENSE. Will try to pick these up for the next
Post by Justin Mclean
Are we looking at different things, Justin? The NOTICE file in the directory you mention only has copyright information for bundled software (and text to help us know to what product that copyright statement applies).
That is not the purpose of NOTICE.
Are you expecting a more verbatim inclusion of the full NOTICE content and not the relevant "spirit”?
See [1]
For LICENSE, gRPC is ALv2 (no mention required), protobuf-java is 3-clause BSD (which is included), netty is ALv2 (no mention required), and gson is also ALv2. What do you see that's missing?
It’s not required but recommend that all licenses be listed in LICENSE. [2]
1. http://www.apache.org/dev/licensing-howto.html#mod-notice
2. http://www.apache.org/dev/licensing-howto.html#alv2-dep
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Justin Mclean
2018-12-07 02:52:47 UTC
I would have confidently thought that bundled software's copyright statements always had a place in NOTICE. Also, a surprise to me that we want all licenses in LICENSE. Will try to pick these up for the next release.
I take a look at it when done of you want, just ping me.

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Justin Mclean
2018-12-09 01:42:27 UTC

Also this may help [1] along with the other link I’ve sent.


1. https://wiki.apache.org/incubator/IncubatorReleaseChecklist
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Josh Elser
2018-12-07 00:11:24 UTC
This vote passes with 3 binding +1's and 1 non-binding +1.

Thanks all.
Post by Josh Elser
Please find the following PPMC VOTE information which just passed.
Note that the delta over the 0.1.0 is extremely small, should be a
super-trivial vote.
This will be open for (at least) the customary 72hours -- 2018/12/06
2100 GMT.
Please note the two IPMC binding votes already from myself and Jitendra.
- Josh
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [VOTE] Ratis Thirdparty 0.2.0 rc0
Date: Fri, 30 Nov 2018 15:33:19 -0500
D9D87B40 170A3DF6 07538DC5 E6BDF6D3 D93CE7EA DDCC9C7F A077EB99 664C704D
412E54DC 6C402A3A 67C9B5EF 959272FE 953D8189 68613802 BABF3C6A 621887CA
There is only one change in 0.2.0 (over 0.1.0) is including the Netty
native libraries. Thus, there is no other functional change over the
0.1.0 release.
For testing with downstream components, you may use the Maven staging
Here's my +1 (binding)
This will be open for at least 72 hours (2018/12/03 2000 GMT).
- Josh
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